GoranSMilovanovic (Code Review)
2017-12-31 12:56:56 UTC
GoranSMilovanovic has uploaded a new change for review. ( https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/401178 )
Change subject: initial
Change-Id: Ie9b6a717f2203ab428fecc4518cdc057ef90882f
A .gitignore
A server.R
A ui.R
3 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/analytics/wmde/WDCM-GeoDashboard refs/changes/78/401178/1
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23da9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58191de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Geo Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: server.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+### --------------------------------
+### --- general
+### --- visualize
+### --- Server (Session) Scope
+### --------------------------------
+### --- Fetch local files
+### --- fetch projecttopic tables
+lF <- list.files()
+lF <- lF[grepl("^wdcm_geoitem_", lF)]
+categories <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(lF))
+for (i in 1:length(lF)) {
+ categories[[i]] <- fread(lF[i], data.table = F)
+names(categories) <- str_to_title(sapply(lF, function(x) {
+ strsplit(strsplit(x, split = ".", fixed = T)[[1]][1],
+ split = "_",
+ fixed = T)[[1]][3]
+### --- Fetch update info
+update <- read.csv('toLabsGeoReport.csv',
+ header = T,
+ check.names = F,
+ stringsAsFactors = F,
+ row.names = 1)
+### --- shinyServer
+shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
+ ### --- output: updateInfo
+ output$updateInfo <- renderText({
+ date <- update$timeStamp[dim(update)[1]]
+ date <- strsplit(as.character(date), split = " ", fixed = T)[[1]][1]
+ date <- strsplit(date, split = "-", fixed = T)
+ date[[1]][2] <- month.name[as.numeric(date[[1]][2])]
+ date <- paste(unlist(date), collapse = " ")
+ return(paste("<p align=right>Last update: <i>", date, "</i></p>", sep = ""))
+ })
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- TAB: tabPanel Maps
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectCategory'
+ updateSelectizeInput(session,
+ 'selectCategory',
+ "Select Semantic Category:",
+ choices = names(categories),
+ selected = names(categories)[round(runif(1, 1, length(categories)))],
+ server = TRUE)
+ ### --- LEAFLET MAP:
+ points <- eventReactive(input$selectCategory, {
+ if (is.null(input$selectCategory) | (input$selectCategory == "")) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ outCat <- categories[[which(names(categories) %in% input$selectCategory)]]
+ outCat[, 2:dim(outCat)[2]]
+ }
+ }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
+ output$wdcmMap <- renderLeaflet({
+ if (is.null(points())) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ leaflet() %>%
+ addTiles() %>%
+ addMarkers(data = points(),
+ popup = (paste('<b>', points()$label, '</b><br>',
+ '<a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/', points()$item, '" target = "_blank">', points()$item, '</a><br>',
+ 'Usage: ', points()$usage, sep = "")
+ ),
+ clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()
+ )
+ }
+ }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating map',
+ min = 0,
+ max = 1,
+ value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- TAB: tabPanel Data
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- output$mapData
+ output$mapData <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(points(),
+ options = list(
+ pageLength = 20,
+ width = '100%',
+ columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))
+ ),
+ rownames = FALSE
+ )
+ }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+ min = 0,
+ max = 1,
+ value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+ ### --- download map data
+ # - Download: tabulations_projectsChart
+ output$mapDataCSV <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = function() {
+ 'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+ content = function(file) {
+ write.csv(points(),
+ file,
+ quote = FALSE,
+ row.names = FALSE)
+ },
+ contentType = "text/csv"
+ )
+}) ### --- END shinyServer
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Geo Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: ui.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+rm(list = ls())
+### --- general
+### --- outputs
+# - options
+options(warn = -1)
+ fluidPage(title = 'WDCM Projects',
+ theme = NULL,
+ # - fluidRow Title
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 5,
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 3,
+ img(src = 'Wikidata-logo-en.png',
+ align = "left")
+ ),
+ column(width = 1),
+ column(width = 8,
+ h1('WDCM Geo Dashboard'),
+ HTML('<font size="5"><b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor</b></font>')
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ column(width = 7,
+ br(),
+ HTML('<p align="right"><b>Interactive visualizations of Wikidata use by other Wikimedia projects.</b></p>'),
+ HTML('<p align="right"><b><a href = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor" target="_blank">Visit the WDCM wiki page</a></b></p>'),
+ HTML('<p align="right"><b>Did you spot a bug, a missing label, or wrong data? <a href = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor/UserFeedback" target="_blank">Give us feedback here</a></b></p>'),
+ htmlOutput('updateInfo')
+ )
+ ), # - fluidRow Title END
+ # - hr()
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr()
+ )
+ ),
+ # - fluidRow Boxes
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ tabBox(id = 'MainBox',
+ selected = 'Dashboard',
+ title = '',
+ width = 12,
+ height = NULL,
+ side = 'left',
+ # - tabPanel Dashboard
+ tabPanel("Dashboard",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr(),
+ tabBox(width = 12,
+ title = '',
+ id = "Maps",
+ selected = "Maps",
+ tabPanel(title = "Maps",
+ id = "maps",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 6,
+ br(),
+ HTML('<font size=2>Select Wikidata item category, and the Dashboard will generate an interactive map
+ where (at most) 10,000 most frequently used items are localized alongside their Wikidata usage
+ statistics. Click the item marker for details. <b>Note.</b> The usage statistic is the number of
+ pages that make use of the respective item across all Wikimedia projects.</font>')
+ )
+ ),
+ # - fluidRow: Selections
+ fluidRow(
+ br(),
+ column(width = 3,
+ selectizeInput("selectCategory",
+ "Select Item Category:",
+ multiple = F,
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL)
+ )
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr(),
+ withSpinner(leafletOutput("wdcmMap", width = "100%", height = 800))
+ )
+ )
+ ), # - tabPanel Maps END
+ # - tabPanel Data BEGIN
+ tabPanel(title = "Data",
+ id = "data",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 6,
+ br(),
+ HTML('<font size = 2>The complete data set used to generate the map.</font>'),
+ br()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ # - fluidRow: Data
+ fluidRow(
+ br(),
+ column(width = 6,
+ downloadButton('mapDataCSV',
+ 'Data (csv)'),
+ br(), br(),
+ withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('mapData', width = "100%"))
+ )
+ )
+ ) # - tabPanel Data END
+ ) # - tabBox: Dashboard END
+ )
+ )
+ ), # - tabPanel Dashboard END
+ # - tabPanel Description
+ tabPanel("Description",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 8,
+ HTML('<h2>WDCM Geo Dashboard</h2>
+ <h4>Description<h4>
+ <hr>
+ <h4>Introduction<h4>
+ <br>
+ <p><font size = 2>This Dashboard is a part of the <b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDMC)</b>. The WDCM system provides analytics on Wikidata usage
+ across the Wikimedia sister projects. The WDCM Geo Dashboard collects several categories of Wikidata items that have geographical coordinates data and
+ presents them on an interactive <a href = "http://leafletjs.com/" target = "_blank">Leaflet map</a> alongside their usage statistics. To understand the WDCM usage statistics, check out the Definitions
+ section. The WDCM Geo Dashboard uses <a href = "https://www.openstreetmap.org/" target = "_blank">OpenStreetMap</a>.
+ </font></p>
+ <hr>
+ <h4>Definitions</h4>
+ <br>
+ <p><font size = 2><b>N.B.</b> The current <b>Wikidata item usage statistic</b> definition is <i>the count of the number of pages in a particular client project
+ where the respective Wikidata item is used</i>. Thus, the current definition ignores the usage aspects completely. This definition is motivated by the currently
+ present constraints in Wikidata usage tracking across the client projects
+ (see <a href = "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Schema/wbc_entity_usage" target = "_blank">Wikibase/Schema/wbc entity usage</a>).
+ With more mature Wikidata usage tracking systems, the definition will become a subject
+ of change. The term <b>Wikidata usage volume</b> is reserved for total Wikidata usage (i.e. the sum of usage statistics) in a particular
+ client project, group of client projects, or semantic categories. By a <b>Wikidata semantic category</b> we mean a selection of Wikidata items that is
+ that is operationally defined by a respective SPARQL query returning a selection of items that intuitivelly match a human, natural semantic category.
+ The structure of Wikidata does not necessarily match any intuitive human semantics. In WDCM, an effort is made to select the semantic categories so to match
+ the intuitive, everyday semantics as much as possible, in order to assist anyone involved in analytical work with this system. However, the choice of semantic
+ categories in WDCM is not necessarily exhaustive (i.e. they do not necessarily cover all Wikidata items), neither the categories are necessarily
+ mutually exclusive. The Wikidata ontology is very complex and a product of work of many people, so there is an optimization price to be paid in every attempt to
+ adapt or simplify its present structure to the needs of a statistical analytical system such as WDCM. The current set of WDCM semantic categories is thus not
+ normative in any sense and a subject of change in any moment, depending upon the analytical needs of the community.</font></p>
+ <p>The currently used <b>WDCM Taxonomy</b> of Wikidata items encompasses the following 14 semantic categories: <i>Geographical Object</i>, <i>Organization</i>, <i>Architectural Structure</i>,
+ <i>Human</i>, <i>Wikimedia</i>, <i>Work of Art</i>, <i>Book</i>, <i>Gene</i>, <i>Scientific Article</i>, <i>Chemical Entities</i>, <i>Astronomical Object</i>, <i>Thoroughfare</i>, <i>Event</i>,
+ and <i>Taxon</i>.</p>
+ ')
+ )
+ )
+ ), # - tabPanel Usage END
+ # - tabPanel Navigate
+ tabPanel("Navigate WDCM",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 8,
+ HTML('<h2>WDCM Navigate</h2>
+ <h4>Your orientation in the WDCM Dashboards System<h4>
+ <hr>
+ <ul>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/">WDCM Portal</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">The entry point to WDCM Dashboards.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/">WDCM Overview</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">The big picture. Fundamental insights in how Wikidata is used across the client projects.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/">WDCM Semantics</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Detailed insights into the WDCM Taxonomy (a selection of semantic categories from Wikidata), its distributional
+ semantics, and the way it is used across the client projects. If you are looking for Topic Models - that’s where
+ they live.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/">WDCM Usage</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Fine-grained information on Wikidata usage across client projects and project types. Cross-tabulations and similar.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b>WDCM Items</b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Fine-grained information on particular Wikidata item usage across the client projects.<b> (Under development)</b></font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_GeoDashboard/">WDCM Geo</a> (current dashboard)</b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Wikidata items interactive maps.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor">WDCM System Technical Documentation</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">The WDCM Wikitech Page.</font></li>
+ </ul>'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) # - tabPanel Structure END
+ ) # - tabBox END
+ ) # - main column of fluidRow Boxes END
+ ), # - # - fluidRow Boxes END
+ # - fluidRow Footer
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr(),
+ HTML('<b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor :: WMDE 2017</b><br>Diffusion: <a href="https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/AWCM/" target = "_blank">WDCM</a><br>'),
+ HTML('Contact: Goran S. Milovanovic, Data Scientist, WMDE<br>e-mail: ***@wikimedia.de
+ <br>IRC: goransm'),
+ br(),
+ br()
+ )
+ ) # - fluidRow Footer END
+ ) # - fluidPage END
+) # - ShinyUI END
\ No newline at end of file
To view, visit https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/401178
To unsubscribe, visit https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/settings
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie9b6a717f2203ab428fecc4518cdc057ef90882f
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: analytics/wmde/WDCM-GeoDashboard
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: GoranSMilovanovic <***@wikimedia.de>
Change subject: initial
Change-Id: Ie9b6a717f2203ab428fecc4518cdc057ef90882f
A .gitignore
A server.R
A ui.R
3 files changed, 370 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
git pull ssh://gerrit.wikimedia.org:29418/analytics/wmde/WDCM-GeoDashboard refs/changes/78/401178/1
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c23da9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/server.R b/server.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58191de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server.R
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Geo Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: server.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+### --------------------------------
+### --- general
+### --- visualize
+### --- Server (Session) Scope
+### --------------------------------
+### --- Fetch local files
+### --- fetch projecttopic tables
+lF <- list.files()
+lF <- lF[grepl("^wdcm_geoitem_", lF)]
+categories <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(lF))
+for (i in 1:length(lF)) {
+ categories[[i]] <- fread(lF[i], data.table = F)
+names(categories) <- str_to_title(sapply(lF, function(x) {
+ strsplit(strsplit(x, split = ".", fixed = T)[[1]][1],
+ split = "_",
+ fixed = T)[[1]][3]
+### --- Fetch update info
+update <- read.csv('toLabsGeoReport.csv',
+ header = T,
+ check.names = F,
+ stringsAsFactors = F,
+ row.names = 1)
+### --- shinyServer
+shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
+ ### --- output: updateInfo
+ output$updateInfo <- renderText({
+ date <- update$timeStamp[dim(update)[1]]
+ date <- strsplit(as.character(date), split = " ", fixed = T)[[1]][1]
+ date <- strsplit(date, split = "-", fixed = T)
+ date[[1]][2] <- month.name[as.numeric(date[[1]][2])]
+ date <- paste(unlist(date), collapse = " ")
+ return(paste("<p align=right>Last update: <i>", date, "</i></p>", sep = ""))
+ })
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- TAB: tabPanel Maps
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- SELECT: update select 'selectCategory'
+ updateSelectizeInput(session,
+ 'selectCategory',
+ "Select Semantic Category:",
+ choices = names(categories),
+ selected = names(categories)[round(runif(1, 1, length(categories)))],
+ server = TRUE)
+ ### --- LEAFLET MAP:
+ points <- eventReactive(input$selectCategory, {
+ if (is.null(input$selectCategory) | (input$selectCategory == "")) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ outCat <- categories[[which(names(categories) %in% input$selectCategory)]]
+ outCat[, 2:dim(outCat)[2]]
+ }
+ }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
+ output$wdcmMap <- renderLeaflet({
+ if (is.null(points())) {
+ return(NULL)
+ } else {
+ leaflet() %>%
+ addTiles() %>%
+ addMarkers(data = points(),
+ popup = (paste('<b>', points()$label, '</b><br>',
+ '<a href="https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/', points()$item, '" target = "_blank">', points()$item, '</a><br>',
+ 'Usage: ', points()$usage, sep = "")
+ ),
+ clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()
+ )
+ }
+ }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating map',
+ min = 0,
+ max = 1,
+ value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- TAB: tabPanel Data
+ ### ------------------------------------------
+ ### --- output$mapData
+ output$mapData <- DT::renderDataTable({
+ datatable(points(),
+ options = list(
+ pageLength = 20,
+ width = '100%',
+ columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all"))
+ ),
+ rownames = FALSE
+ )
+ }) %>% withProgress(message = 'Generating data',
+ min = 0,
+ max = 1,
+ value = 1, {incProgress(amount = 1)})
+ ### --- download map data
+ # - Download: tabulations_projectsChart
+ output$mapDataCSV <- downloadHandler(
+ filename = function() {
+ 'WDCM_Data.csv'},
+ content = function(file) {
+ write.csv(points(),
+ file,
+ quote = FALSE,
+ row.names = FALSE)
+ },
+ contentType = "text/csv"
+ )
+}) ### --- END shinyServer
diff --git a/ui.R b/ui.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui.R
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- WDCM Geo Dashboard, v. Beta 0.1
+### --- Script: ui.R, v. Beta 0.1
+### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+### --- Setup
+rm(list = ls())
+### --- general
+### --- outputs
+# - options
+options(warn = -1)
+ fluidPage(title = 'WDCM Projects',
+ theme = NULL,
+ # - fluidRow Title
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 5,
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 3,
+ img(src = 'Wikidata-logo-en.png',
+ align = "left")
+ ),
+ column(width = 1),
+ column(width = 8,
+ h1('WDCM Geo Dashboard'),
+ HTML('<font size="5"><b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor</b></font>')
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ column(width = 7,
+ br(),
+ HTML('<p align="right"><b>Interactive visualizations of Wikidata use by other Wikimedia projects.</b></p>'),
+ HTML('<p align="right"><b><a href = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor" target="_blank">Visit the WDCM wiki page</a></b></p>'),
+ HTML('<p align="right"><b>Did you spot a bug, a missing label, or wrong data? <a href = "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor/UserFeedback" target="_blank">Give us feedback here</a></b></p>'),
+ htmlOutput('updateInfo')
+ )
+ ), # - fluidRow Title END
+ # - hr()
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr()
+ )
+ ),
+ # - fluidRow Boxes
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ tabBox(id = 'MainBox',
+ selected = 'Dashboard',
+ title = '',
+ width = 12,
+ height = NULL,
+ side = 'left',
+ # - tabPanel Dashboard
+ tabPanel("Dashboard",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr(),
+ tabBox(width = 12,
+ title = '',
+ id = "Maps",
+ selected = "Maps",
+ tabPanel(title = "Maps",
+ id = "maps",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 6,
+ br(),
+ HTML('<font size=2>Select Wikidata item category, and the Dashboard will generate an interactive map
+ where (at most) 10,000 most frequently used items are localized alongside their Wikidata usage
+ statistics. Click the item marker for details. <b>Note.</b> The usage statistic is the number of
+ pages that make use of the respective item across all Wikimedia projects.</font>')
+ )
+ ),
+ # - fluidRow: Selections
+ fluidRow(
+ br(),
+ column(width = 3,
+ selectizeInput("selectCategory",
+ "Select Item Category:",
+ multiple = F,
+ choices = NULL,
+ selected = NULL)
+ )
+ ),
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr(),
+ withSpinner(leafletOutput("wdcmMap", width = "100%", height = 800))
+ )
+ )
+ ), # - tabPanel Maps END
+ # - tabPanel Data BEGIN
+ tabPanel(title = "Data",
+ id = "data",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 6,
+ br(),
+ HTML('<font size = 2>The complete data set used to generate the map.</font>'),
+ br()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ # - fluidRow: Data
+ fluidRow(
+ br(),
+ column(width = 6,
+ downloadButton('mapDataCSV',
+ 'Data (csv)'),
+ br(), br(),
+ withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput('mapData', width = "100%"))
+ )
+ )
+ ) # - tabPanel Data END
+ ) # - tabBox: Dashboard END
+ )
+ )
+ ), # - tabPanel Dashboard END
+ # - tabPanel Description
+ tabPanel("Description",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 8,
+ HTML('<h2>WDCM Geo Dashboard</h2>
+ <h4>Description<h4>
+ <hr>
+ <h4>Introduction<h4>
+ <br>
+ <p><font size = 2>This Dashboard is a part of the <b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor (WDMC)</b>. The WDCM system provides analytics on Wikidata usage
+ across the Wikimedia sister projects. The WDCM Geo Dashboard collects several categories of Wikidata items that have geographical coordinates data and
+ presents them on an interactive <a href = "http://leafletjs.com/" target = "_blank">Leaflet map</a> alongside their usage statistics. To understand the WDCM usage statistics, check out the Definitions
+ section. The WDCM Geo Dashboard uses <a href = "https://www.openstreetmap.org/" target = "_blank">OpenStreetMap</a>.
+ </font></p>
+ <hr>
+ <h4>Definitions</h4>
+ <br>
+ <p><font size = 2><b>N.B.</b> The current <b>Wikidata item usage statistic</b> definition is <i>the count of the number of pages in a particular client project
+ where the respective Wikidata item is used</i>. Thus, the current definition ignores the usage aspects completely. This definition is motivated by the currently
+ present constraints in Wikidata usage tracking across the client projects
+ (see <a href = "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Schema/wbc_entity_usage" target = "_blank">Wikibase/Schema/wbc entity usage</a>).
+ With more mature Wikidata usage tracking systems, the definition will become a subject
+ of change. The term <b>Wikidata usage volume</b> is reserved for total Wikidata usage (i.e. the sum of usage statistics) in a particular
+ client project, group of client projects, or semantic categories. By a <b>Wikidata semantic category</b> we mean a selection of Wikidata items that is
+ that is operationally defined by a respective SPARQL query returning a selection of items that intuitivelly match a human, natural semantic category.
+ The structure of Wikidata does not necessarily match any intuitive human semantics. In WDCM, an effort is made to select the semantic categories so to match
+ the intuitive, everyday semantics as much as possible, in order to assist anyone involved in analytical work with this system. However, the choice of semantic
+ categories in WDCM is not necessarily exhaustive (i.e. they do not necessarily cover all Wikidata items), neither the categories are necessarily
+ mutually exclusive. The Wikidata ontology is very complex and a product of work of many people, so there is an optimization price to be paid in every attempt to
+ adapt or simplify its present structure to the needs of a statistical analytical system such as WDCM. The current set of WDCM semantic categories is thus not
+ normative in any sense and a subject of change in any moment, depending upon the analytical needs of the community.</font></p>
+ <p>The currently used <b>WDCM Taxonomy</b> of Wikidata items encompasses the following 14 semantic categories: <i>Geographical Object</i>, <i>Organization</i>, <i>Architectural Structure</i>,
+ <i>Human</i>, <i>Wikimedia</i>, <i>Work of Art</i>, <i>Book</i>, <i>Gene</i>, <i>Scientific Article</i>, <i>Chemical Entities</i>, <i>Astronomical Object</i>, <i>Thoroughfare</i>, <i>Event</i>,
+ and <i>Taxon</i>.</p>
+ ')
+ )
+ )
+ ), # - tabPanel Usage END
+ # - tabPanel Navigate
+ tabPanel("Navigate WDCM",
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 8,
+ HTML('<h2>WDCM Navigate</h2>
+ <h4>Your orientation in the WDCM Dashboards System<h4>
+ <hr>
+ <ul>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/">WDCM Portal</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">The entry point to WDCM Dashboards.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_OverviewDashboard/">WDCM Overview</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">The big picture. Fundamental insights in how Wikidata is used across the client projects.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_SemanticsDashboard/">WDCM Semantics</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Detailed insights into the WDCM Taxonomy (a selection of semantic categories from Wikidata), its distributional
+ semantics, and the way it is used across the client projects. If you are looking for Topic Models - that’s where
+ they live.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_UsageDashboard/">WDCM Usage</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Fine-grained information on Wikidata usage across client projects and project types. Cross-tabulations and similar.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b>WDCM Items</b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Fine-grained information on particular Wikidata item usage across the client projects.<b> (Under development)</b></font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "http://wdcm.wmflabs.org/WDCM_GeoDashboard/">WDCM Geo</a> (current dashboard)</b><br>
+ <font size = "2">Wikidata items interactive maps.</font></li><br>
+ <li><b><a href = "https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_Concepts_Monitor">WDCM System Technical Documentation</a></b><br>
+ <font size = "2">The WDCM Wikitech Page.</font></li>
+ </ul>'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ) # - tabPanel Structure END
+ ) # - tabBox END
+ ) # - main column of fluidRow Boxes END
+ ), # - # - fluidRow Boxes END
+ # - fluidRow Footer
+ fluidRow(
+ column(width = 12,
+ hr(),
+ HTML('<b>Wikidata Concepts Monitor :: WMDE 2017</b><br>Diffusion: <a href="https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/AWCM/" target = "_blank">WDCM</a><br>'),
+ HTML('Contact: Goran S. Milovanovic, Data Scientist, WMDE<br>e-mail: ***@wikimedia.de
+ <br>IRC: goransm'),
+ br(),
+ br()
+ )
+ ) # - fluidRow Footer END
+ ) # - fluidPage END
+) # - ShinyUI END
\ No newline at end of file
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Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie9b6a717f2203ab428fecc4518cdc057ef90882f
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Gerrit-Project: analytics/wmde/WDCM-GeoDashboard
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: GoranSMilovanovic <***@wikimedia.de>